An Urban Monastery?
One of the only urban monasteries in the United States, monks have lived in the heart of Newark, New Jersey since 1857. Living in community according to the Rule of St. Benedict, the monks pray together five times a day while wholeheartedly serving the People of God through active apostolates in Saint Benedict’s Preparatory School, Saint Mary’s Church, and other missions around Greater Newark. Vowed to stability and deeply committed to pursuit of God and service to the Church in the heart of urban New Jersey, monastic life at Newark Abbey is one of the country's most unique witnesses to the Light of Faith.

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Stability of place, persevering in a single community until death.
Obedience to Rule and Abbot
Conversion of Life in imitation of Christ.
Hospitality to Christ present in the poor and the stranger.
Stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.
— Luke 24:49